

Public Data Sources




World Bank provides a comprehensive cross-country set of data on a range of economic and demographic variables. The Bank also offers micro level firm and household surveys.

International Monetary Fund offers data tables, fact sheets, news briefs, and a working paper series.

UNCOMTRADE and WITS websites have detailed dis-aggregated bilateral trade data by product category.

Penn World Tables (PWT) offers purchasing power parity (PPP) corrected national income accounts.

Oanda, an FX company, provides detailed records of historical exchange rates.



IPUMS International has census data for many countries over time including MENA countries: https://international.ipums.org/international/

DHS Program has Demographic and Health Surveys for many countries over time including MENA countries: http://www.dhsprogram.com/

OAMDI is an initiative by the Economic Research Forum that has harmonized household and firm level datasets across the region: http://erf.org.eg/oamdi/  

Correlates of War offers data on conflicts including intra-state and inter-state wars: http://www.correlatesofwar.org/

Some statistical centers of MENA countries offer their raw survey data publically on their website. Here are links to their websites:

Egypt: Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics- CAPMAS
Iran: Statistical Center of Iran
Iraq: Central Organization of Statistics- COS
Jordan: Department Of Statistics- DOS
Libya: Bureau of Statistics and Census- BSC
Palestine: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics- CBS
Somalia: National Statistics Directorate
Sudan: Central Bureau of Statistics- CBS
Tunisia: National Institute of Statistics- INS
Turkey: Turkish Statistical Institute - TSI

For Researchers and Educators


American Economic Association
Continuing Education Series
Annual Meetings Webcasts
American Economic Association Resources

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Summer Institute Econometrics Lecture Series (Videos)
Martin Feldstein Lecture Series (Videos)
Other Videos

European Economic Association
European Economic Association Resources

Advice on Writing, Presentation, Discussion, and Refereeing Papers
For a comprehensive collection of excellent but brief advice on how to write, present, discuss, or referee papers, see this page (the list is prepared by Professor Amanda Agan).

If you are looking for co-authors, one of the best ways to find them is to come to the Middle East Economic Association Conferences. For more information, please check our conference page.

For Policy Makers


The forum, the Economic Research Forum Policy Portal: http://theforum.erf.org.eg/

Economic Research Forum Policy Briefs for Policy Makers: http://erf.org.eg/publication_cat/briefs/